Open daily, 10am-4pm

42-44 Devonport Road, Tauranga

Yellow - Contemporary Yellow Art


The colour yellow can range from an intensely strong, vibrant hue to a mellow and inoffensive shade of cream, and has the capacity to infect one's mood accordingly.

As a bright, sunny hue, yellow exudes energy, warmth and intellect. In this cheerful form it shouts 'see me' and stands sentry on buses, taxis and the infamous cycling jersey.

But its jaundiced shades bring to mind sickness, decay and age, and the bitter shades of jealousy.

Throughout history, yellow has both inspired and challenged some of the world's greatest painters.

Pablo Picasso once said "There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who, with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun."

Yellow explores how contemporary artists have embraced this multi-faceted colour in a range of media, and includes Julian Dashper, Rosalie Gascoigne, Gregor Kregar and James Ross, among others.



Conversely, French painter Edgar Degas thought, "what a horrible thing yellow is."
















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